In-k(ButcherZ) @ / дневник

Be Active! Be Positive!

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In-k(Butcherz)Четверг, 09/03/2006 01:02
Butcherz Intro

Attention, Please!

It’s not an alarm!It’s a real house attack!Be very attentive!150 beat per minute!I repeat... 150 beat per minute!It’s no joke, it’s real club range!

Our weapon is Hard & Pumping sound!Our aim is to bring positive in the wide masses of clubbing people!Our intention is to make you moving!

We Are... ButcherZ!

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    000.1(use) + 000.6(db) + 001.0(verify) + 008.4(site_) + 010.1 msec / = 0.008